Hello! Thank you so much for stopping by our site, Kooma Mails!
皆さま、Kooma Mailのサイトにお越しいただき、ありがとうございます!

This is a website founded to try and take a bit of the complication out of learning Japanese Email writing. We aim to accomplish this by providing sample emails and template-based breakdowns to try and help bridge the gap between book knowledge, and the kinds of Japanese you would encounter in the real world.

In addition, the site is host to a variety of useful guides & tools for Japanese language learners of all levels! We certainly hope you’ll stick around to explore what we have to offer, and check back often as new content is regularly uploaded.

This site is a free passion-project run by partners, Aaron & Chisako, with an aim to give back to the online Japanese-langauge learning community, that has in-turn provided so much free & useful content on our own study journeys! Please consider supporting us by sharing the site with your friends & colleagues via social media, and checking out some of the Tutoring & Translation services we offer.

General Site Map

Our site is currently broken down into the following sections (feel free to also navigate from the above bar!)
Aaron’s Japanese Guide – A 0-100 Guide on how to learn Japanese from scratch!
Email Guide – Articles Breaking Down Sample Emails and providing Useful Hints & Advice
Email Database – A regularly updated database of Japanese emails from which you can study from
Articles – Regularly posted blog-style content by Aaron
About Us – A bit more about us!